Monday, July 2, 2012

Media Techs

I chose four general media technologies- internet, broadcasting, printing, and mobile- and summarized a popular technology from each category:
Blogging is a popular media technology on the internet that can be used by organizations, professional writers, and even the general public.  Blogging is a web log that enables writers to share opinions and ideas with an audience. The general audience for the internet is usually younger and more sociable, and who seek out less formal news (Marsh et al, 2009, pg. 108). The format and design of a blog varies, but they usually begin with a heading or topic, the name of the author, and the date/time of the blog post.  The information is informal and leaves space for reader feedback. 
Blogs are most effective when they address different topics and are updated frequently (pg. 109).  It is also important that readers are able to easily navigate through the blog.  The use of links and email addresses that the audience can find similar information is also beneficial. Organizations can use blogs to state strategic missions and build relationships with those who aren’t too fond of traditional media. Writers who are representing an organization should be cautious of what they say in a blog and have all blog posts approved before they go online.
Blogging is a creative outlet, and can definitely highlight the personality of writers. In order to get an idea of how to write a blog, it is suggested that you read other blogs. Many websites, like, offer tips and guidance on how to improve the design and content of your blog, which makes it easier for beginners to get started. 

Television is the most efficient and widely used broadcasting medium, with over 96% of Americans having a television in their household (Stelter, 2011). Television is a visual device used to distribute news and entertainment globally. Television broadcasting is able to reach a mass audience, and is often used to deliver announcements such as promos and advertisements.  Depending on the target audience, promo ads attract the interest of the audience in order to maintain a relationship between the audience and station or channel (Marsh et al, 2009, pg. 154).
Television has paved the way to more advanced visual technologies. Cable programming, VCRs, DVDs, and DVRs are all accessories to the modern TV, and enhance the viewer’s experience. It is a little alarming how dependent one can be on television.  I recently lost my power for three days, and feel like I’m going through “tube withdrawal”- its like I separated from civilization! Not long ago the public was introduced to TiVo, a digital video recording system that allows viewers to pre-record their favorite programs to watch at their discretion. When this system first came out I was impressed at the idea that I would not miss a show due to my schedule. Comcast cable network offers On-Demand, a similar system, which enables viewers to record, pause, rewind and fast forward programs. 
The possibilities in the broadcasting field are abundant, and writers can find many careers in television such as reporting, scriptwriting, journalism, production, and marketing.

Newspapers may be an old fashioned way of receiving information; however, many people still refer to their daily paper to update them on current events.  Writers can use newspapers to cover daily news, feature stories, and highlight breaking news stories. Newspapers usually include a headline, story, and some sort of visual. The purpose of the newspaper is to entertain and inform an audience with persuasive strategic messages. Images and other visuals help grab the audience’s attention and stimulate their interests (Marsh et all, 2009, pg. 131).  Not everyone will read the same newspaper, so it is best to focus on a target audience and study their needs for sufficient content. Advertisements are also common in newspapers.  
As some say, believe half of what you see, some of what you read, but none of what you hear.  I think that print is the most reliable form of communication because you can always refer back to the source. This is the reason many companies do not get rid of paper documents, even though they have an electronic copy of the file.  Written documents can be re-read, reproduced, and referenced.  Readers are able to take in the information at their own pace, which increases the chance of comprehension. 

Mobile phones are a convenient communication tool to use in today’s world.  Compared to the bulky, and outrageously expensive, mobile phones of the past, cellphones have come a long way.  We can now fit our phones in our pockets, and even use them without our hands.  In the past 70 years, mobile devices have moved from a device used in the military to a handheld accessory (Meyers, 2011).
Smartphones are taking over the world, and have really changed the way stay informed. With the hectic schedules many of us have, it is refreshing to have a device that can keep us connected with the rest of the world while supplying important information at the touch of a button.  From emails, to weather and sports, to celebrity gossip, we can access almost anything from our cellphones nowadays.
Text messaging is a commonly used feature of the mobile phone.  Over the past decade, text messaging has become increasingly popular amongst the younger generation because it can send messages quicker and sometimes cheaper (CBS, 2009).
The plus side of using a mobile device is, of course…it’s mobile! We don’t have to tune into a television station, or find a radio, or plug in a computer to get the news.  Browsing the net, paying bills, and even navigating through a city can all be done with a cellphone….how neat.


CBS News. (2009). Text Messaging Explodes in America. CBS News Tech. Retrieved from
Marsh, C., Guth, D.M. & Short, P. (2009). Strategic writing, multimedia writing for public relations, advertising and more. Boston: Pearson
Meyers, J. (2011). Watch The Incredible 70-Year Evolution Of The Cell Phone. Retrieved from

Stelter, B. (2011). Ownership of Television Falls in U.S. The New York Time. Retrieved from

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